Addiction and Leadership Summit – powered by SEED
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Ruth Ann Rigby
Chief Development Officer at Capstone Wellness
Ruth Ann Rigby is a lifelong resident of the great state of Mississippi, where she graduated from William Carey College. As a teenager, Ruth Ann entered her family business where she worked her way up performing a variety of support and leadership roles. After 17 years, Ruth Ann left to pursue her dream of service to others. Serving as a volunteer at St. Dominic Behavioral Health Center quickly turned in to full-time employment as her compassion for others was evident to all around her. Ruth Ann returned to school to become an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor. This began her lifelong mission of working in the field of addiction and behavioral health. Her mission began at St. Dominic Behavior Health, followed by Pine Grove Behavioral Health. Four years ago, her path led her to Capstone Treatment Center located in Searcy, AR.
Ruth Ann is highly esteemed among all that know her for her tireless energy and passion to serve any family or person in need that crosses her path. Her willingness and dedication to professionalism, collaboration and mentorship is unmatched. During her twenty years in the addictions field, she works with individuals and families assisting them in getting into treatment all around the country. She is a valued friend to colleagues in the addiction and behavioral health field, people in recovery, families struggling to find help, and professional associates.
Rigby is very active in her community and has held many positions on charitable boards. In 2016, she was honored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency with their Bronze Award. She served on their board for over 20 years and held every office. including President of the Board of Directors. Ruth Ann also serves on a Task Force for Law Enforcement & First Responders and assists them and their families in time of need. She serves on the Advisory Board for the Center for Hope and Healing at Broadmoor Baptist church and has served on countless conference planning committees, task forces, and advisory boards.
Personal Quote: I have been married to my husband Joseph for over 21 years and together over 25. Through those 25 years my husband grew up in ranks of the Mississippi Department of Public Safety and retired as a Lt. Colonel. As the spouse of a first responder, I have firsthand experience. Family members of first responders share with their spouses the passion to serve others. Our law enforcement family has seen us through some very difficult times. I am a person in long-term recovery and understand the need for peer support. We truly want to help you in your greatest time of need so that you and your family do not suffer alone. I am so happy to be a part of First Responders of MS. We are committed to assisting members of law enforcement, their families, and their law enforcement agencies in their greatest time of need.
Ruth Ann is married to her best friend, Lt. Colonel Joseph Rigby (RET). They have three Cocker Spaniels, Graciee, Darbee and Cailee.