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Integrated Treatment of Trauma and Eating Disorders: Evidenced Based Strategies and Experiential interventions for Treating the Whole Person

Course Description:

This presentation provides an overview of current research regarding the correlation between trauma and eating disorders, and efficacy data on the integrated treatment of both. This presentation provides case examples of how trauma manifests in the creation of eating disorder behavior and how we as treatment providers can recognize, stabilize and intervene on behalf of our clients. We will discuss bestpractice approaches to treating trauma and eating disorders for patients and engage in experiential exercises that demonstrate examples of interventions appropriate for this population.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Attendees will learn current research data and best practice interventions on the integrated treatment of trauma and eating disorders.
  2. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding on the way trauma impacts the brain, disrupts attachment, and ultimately changes how an individual navigates the world through the lens of the development of eating disorder behavior.
  3. Attendees will develop an experiential understanding of appropriate and affective interventions to use with Eating Disorder clients with a history of trauma.


Rebecca Clegg, LPC, CEDS-S

Rebecca Clegg, LPC, CEDSS is a psychotherapist, speaker, and author of Ending The Diet Mindset: Reclaima Healthy and Balanced Relationship With Food and Body Image. She is a program consultant for the Oak House at The Refuge a genderinclusive, traumafocused, eating disorder program in Florida.